Sunday, April 12, 2009

Doubt (2008)

Title: Doubt (2008)

Plot: A new more progressive priest Father Flynn (Philip Seymoure Hoffman) in 1964 can be bit questionable. When the catholic school accepts it's first black student Donald Miller (Joseph Foster) political change sweeps through the community. When Father Flynn displays interest in the boy the schools tough "rules and discipline" principle Sister Aloysius (Meryl Streep) suspects that there is more at stake for young Donald Miller. Convinced of her suspicions but with no proof she digs as deep as she can so that she can finally rid of "good" old Father Flynn.

Acting/Directing/Writing: Of course you could not expect better acting from Philip Seymoure Hoffman and Meryl Streep both screen stealer's and well deserved award winners the film was perfectly acted. Directed by John Patrick Shanley the movie was drama filled and excellently executed. The story was deep but the ending of course was not satisfying because of the never ending "Doubt."

Basic Thought: I liked it. I enjoy watching Meryl Streep because she gets so into character. She was very convincing along side Philip Sermoure Hoffman. I'm glad I watched it and glad to see it's well earned awards. However like I said the ending was a little unsatisfying I felt at the end of the film that I could have seen at least a half hour more of film. I could have had more from the characters and from the story itself.

Would I Suggest It: I liked it, I'll give it a 7/10 due to lack of ending. I will be honest in saying however that I am glad I didn't pay $10 to see it. Not a need for big screen movie, but a good watch nonetheless.

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

Title: Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

Plot: When Jamal K. Malik a young Mumbai boy brought up in the slums (Dev Patel) is one question away from $1 million dollars everyone is suspicious. Jamal is soon brought into questioning the night before the final question. He soon must prove he is not cheating. Jamal finds himself dwelling to the police certain sequences that lead up to why he knew every single answer. Jamal finds himself alone with his brother Salim at a very young age. They find themselves in some very dangerous and mature situations which helps Jamal learn a few things. They must survive by any means. Along the way Jamal finds love in a young girl Latika the story intertwines into a $1 million dollar love story.

Acting/Directing/Writing: Directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later) very well done, reminded me of City of God. The layout of the story fit together so well. All the events that led to the final question were executed wonderfully. The actors brought every moment to life. As for the writing. I am interested in reading the book "Q & A" by Vikas Swarup.

Basic Thought: OK I really liked this movie. It was very well done and like I said the series of events reminded me a lot like City of God on a little more positive of scale. But still the same concept. Jamal is forced to fight for himself in the slums which helps him become smart in the ways of the street. The love story I will admit was nice. It was a wonderful touch and not over done in a sappy way. I really enjoyed it.

Would I suggest it: Most definitely. 9/10 a must see in my book!!

The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

Title: The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

Plot: When a mysterious object is discovered plummeting towards the earth there is of course cause for alarm. When the government starts taking highly respected scientists and doctors away from there homes there is even more cause for alarm. When Dr. Helen Benson (Jennifer Connelly) is suddenly taken from her home she is not sure why and what to think. The government is taking her for help, help to stop the mysterious object coming at an alarming rate towards our atmosphere. Once the object does get here it is not what we think. Soon a creature emerges and in true government fashion we of course shoot first and ask questions later. Soon this being named Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) from the outer limits is in our possession and we must find out why he is here and what his intentions are. Well his intentions are simple, he is here to save the planet. But that's the thing, he is here to save the planet, the planet that is being destroyed by it's inhabitants, us. So he must protect it from it's destroyers.

Acting/Directing/Writing: Directed by Scott Derrickson (The Exorcism of Emily Rose) I would not say this is his better of the two. Keaunu Reeves has his very simple acting of a being that has little knowledge of our way of life, which I must say is almost funny to watch. He kinda has the Neo speech to him. Only slower. This is your typical "end of the world" movie.

Basic Thought: This of course really isn't my type of movie. The one thing I did like about this is the message. We our destroying our planet and we will only be forced to change in the grips of destruction. Ah the human race. I will say I am glad I waited to rent it.

Would I suggest it: I'll give this a 5/10 only for the message it sends. Other than that the acting was typical, the story was typical, and the special effects well were typical.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

RocknRolla Review

Title: Rock n Rolla (2008)

Plot: A large money transfer for a real-estate property in London brings out the finest crowd. Uri (Karel Roden) a Russian mob boss wants to build big, very big. He will pay $7 million to get it done. He makes a deal with Lenny Cole (Tom Wilkinson) a local London gangster. Uri gives Lenny a very special painting (for good luck) along with a large cool $7 million. When both are heisted a series of events and characters bring you on the ride of your life in classic Guy Ritchie style.

Writing/Directing/Acting: When you put together the writing and directive talents of Guy Ritchie with some of London's leading actors, you bet your pants you got yourself a good flick.

Basic Thought: Action/Comedy/Crime you have it all. If your a fan of Snatch and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels your going to love Rock n Rolla.

Would I suggest it: Let's give this one a 7/10. I love Guy Ritchie's style but I'm not sure if this is my favorite.

13 Hours in a Warehouse Review

Title: 13 Hours In A Warehouse

Plot: 5 guys stay for an all nighter in a warehouse and former snuff film studio. A hide out? A safe place? Not for long. Soon mysteries are revealed and the ghosts of the warehouse will not leave in peace until they have vengeance. Suddenly there is a rat in their midst and soon the guys are getting knocked off one by one weird hanging rats are the only clue one has fallen. The ghosts of the warehouse are leaving strange clues, numbers on the walls, and none of the guys know what to make of them. The ghosts want something and they will leave none alive until they get what they are looking for.

Writing/Directing/Acting: Written and Directed by Dav Kaufman - The story itself is simple, nothing new. 5 guys, one creepy warehouse and some very strange ghosts. The acting of course sucked. A bunch of no names doing scare scenes, nothing I would award.

Basic Thought: I only picked this up and the movie store because it had said it won the best horror/fantasy Gold Award and the WorldFest Houston. Like I said not something I would award.

Would I suggest it: I'll give this a 3/10. Not very good. After it was over I felt as if I had just waisted an hour and a half. Glad I only rented it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mirrors Review

Title: Mirrors (2008)

Plot: The broke down retired cop needs a job. Where does he go? A burnt down mall. But no seriously this movie introduces you to Ben Carson (Kiefer Sutherland) a drunk drugged up cop who takes up a job as a night watchman at the "Mayflower" mall, a building that was burned down years ago in New York City, for unknown reasons. Soon Ben realizes that there is more to this building and it's oh so clean mirrors. Hallucinations begin to occur and Ben is forced to figure out why. Of course there is always the background story. Ben is the divorced with kids he can't see because of trouble with the ex (Paula Patton.) Ben is a bundle of stress and anxiety. When his sister Angela (Amy Smart) comes up dead he realizes he needs to find out what the mirrors want and fast before it's too late for the rest of his family and himself.

Writing/Directing/Acting: Typical horror movie acting I wasn't very impressed with Kiefer Sutherland, a little over the top. It was directed by Alexandra Aja (The Hills Have Eyes) I must say not one of his best movies. The story itself I will have to admit is different. I get tired recently of movies that re-play themselves and are all alike. This was not something I have seen before which at times made it a little refreshing.

Basic Thought: It was different, not one of Alexandra's best but it was ok. The special effects were cool showed a lot of blood which is always nice for me. If you have a week stomach maybe this isn't for you.

Would I suggest it: I'm glad I waited to see it on video. I'll give it a 5/10. If you are particular to the horror genre I would only recommend this just so you can add it to the list.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let The Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) Review

Title: Let The Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) (2008)

Plot: Times are tough for beat up young Oskar (Kare Hedebrant) bullied and picked on, Oskar dreams for payback on his bully "friends." Late one night he meets Eli (Lina Leandersson) a very strange girl who only comes out at night. Eli helps Oskar with his fears from others and helps him gain strength to face his peers. Soon young love blossoms but alas it can't be so. Eli must use certain tactics to stay alive and her world is so much different than Oskar can imagine. A powerful story that is sure to surprise.

Directing/Writing/Acting: Directed by Thomas Alfredson and written by John Ajvide Lindgvist. This is a foreign film and just done beautifully. The children captured my heart among the darkness of the story.

Story: The story itself was very interesting. The ending was a little abrupt and I longed for a little more. However I always enjoy a dark love story.

Would I suggest it: I'll give it a 7.5/10. Not much that I can say really but I would suggest giving it a try it's definitely different but enjoyable and catching.